A Summer in the Upside Down

Note: This article appeared in the Belmont Wicked Local, which you can visit here.

It is unquestionably the summer of our discontent as we are submerged in a deep-fried Upside Down. The reference to the creepy alternate universe in “Stranger Things” is not only apropos to today’s mutated reality (things are stranger, to say the least) but also harkens to a recent era without ubiquitous internet, cell phones, endless streaming TV content, etc. I often wonder what we would have done back then with three months of closed schools. Would teachers be dropping off work? Phone trees with assignments? Homeschooling with an encyclopedia set? The lurch of school closings and now the great unknown of pandemic summer has been saved somewhat by the advent of the internet and its endless apps. Yet one wonders if the shift toward everything virtual could be both a godsend and a curse, especially now that school is out.

For parents like myself, it’s concerning that many of our children instinctively log on to their virtual worlds just as they had been during the pandemic spring term. We’re facing down an endless summer of online games and servers where our students play and chat with classmates, often in conjunction with FaceTime and Zoom and the like. It’s social for the most part, but it seems the hours in front of the screens are unhealthy and unbalanced. We’ve tried to mix in walks, day trips as much as we can as well as the social-distanced and masked get-togethers. We do what we have to, but do you find yourself hoping that this is a mass hysteria joke or dream we’ll soon be snapped out of? The reality of adjusting to the new reality is, at best, surreal.

As an educator, I am acutely aware this “COVID Class” is suffering from significant learning gaps — and it does not bode well for the fall, whatever that may look like. To keep their wheels turning, my son, a rising ninth grader, is being tutored in Chinese and computer coding, as well as continuing virtual piano lessons. He and I have taught ourselves chess: a tremendous problem-solving workout as well as great fun. Play is truly an educational activity; the best lessons feel more akin to games and fun exploration than a slog through facts and worksheets. My daughter is doing social-distanced basketball training with a high schooler from the neighborhood, and we often play school. Luckily she likes to play teacher and does a whole “day” of classes (her math tests can be brutal!). In lieu of museums, we schedule weekly science or history documentary viewings. The hope is that getting ahead or reviewing in some subjects will make the fall transition easier. If a student can advance or strengthen previous learning in a subject, he or she can avoid some anxiety and allow for more focus on other content or skills that may require extra attention next year.

Although virtual learning may not be ideal, I find the online one-on-one tutoring or miniclasses to be surprisingly effective, particularly with clients who tend to be less focused when working in person. It seems students are more accountable while on-screen — they’re a bit “on the spot” and have to understand and communicate very clearly. And they are thankful there’s another adult coaching and rooting for them, even if he or she is not working with them in person.

It’s comforting to know that, regardless of the subject matter, the learning and critical thinking wheels are turning, both on and offline. Whether taking summer online tutoring classes or participating in online internships, safely playing or walking together and teaching themselves and each other skills, or reading summer books effectively, our kids’ learning will not falter, and they ultimately will leap the needed three steps forward to counteract the two steps back made by the learning gap.

As our forebears persevered through the Spanish flu, it will take the whole village (real and virtual) to get our children, and ourselves, through this pandemic bout. We may all gain insights and skills that would have otherwise passed us by and bounce back stronger than ever as individuals and as a community, and return to a course-corrected Right Side Up.


Curtis is a firm believer that every student can learn, and works to each student’s strengths while developing areas that need improvement. A literature analysis and writing stickler, he works hard to improve skills and ensure college readiness. Curtis' energy and sense of humor make his sessions popular- he portrays academics in a fun light, akin to what he calls the "mental and spiritual gym" where one learns how to learn while maintaining a relaxed and enjoyable environment. When not working in education, Curtis continues to pursue acting and is currently penning two screenplays. He loves tennis, guitar, cooking, travel, and, most of all, making his wife and kids giggle.


The Truth About Fall Learning: a teacher's sugar-free take


Summer Quarantine Scrapbook